Thursday, January 06, 2011

House on Mouse

Mouse number two has just been caught in our kitchen.  Our once good for nothing dog has decided that she is going to hunt mice now.  Apparently since we took Spiders off her hunting list she has needed to fill the hole in her life with a different creepy critter.  Today she was acting all crazy sniffing under the fridge and the sink and her tail was wagging like crazy.  That used to be her sign that she was on to a big spider, know it means she has something else. 

BJ set the traps before we left for work and when we got home, the bait had been eaten out of one of them but no mouse was in it.  We set it after dinner again and...SNAP!  Funny thing is it snapped at the same time as the dishwasher went into it's dry cycle.  Now the mouse is in the back field, dead. 

P.S. 400th blog. 

P.P.S. The second mouse of the night was just his tail.  HE was not happy about it.  He made sure he let us know he was in there.

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