Thursday, July 01, 2010

Something Every home needs


Alright so the reason we have a fire extinguisher. Last year in either July or August I woke up to feed the infant and saw something out of the ordinary down the block. So I had woke up BJ and we made the plan to take a walk at 2 or 3 in the morning. What we found?? A three car, 4-5 room single family home completely engulfed in flames. No body was hurt, but the family lost all of there belongings and their cars. The real kicker was that the reason they were awake was because they had family or friends visiting from Texas and the friends lost everything they had brought with them too.

ANYWAY... BJ and I went out to Target and bought us 2 fire extinguishers, one for the kitchen and one for the garage. They are one of those things that you think.."hmm we should have one but I sure as hell hope we never have to use it." Which in my mind equals WASTE OF MONEY! Why would I spend money on something I might never use? Well let me just tell you.

Answer: My husband has ADD. Lately I have begun noticing that his ADD is getting a little more involved. AKA- he has become more distractable and will start things and not finish them. So we have a lot of started projects and eventually we have some finished projects. When he gets his mind onto a task he does a great job, however, sometimes there are casualties. Tonight was a casualty. Apparently after the party, he moved the grill back to it's home in the back yard and put the grill brush in the grill for easy transport. Y'all following? Well tonight I wanted to grill the sausage we had. BJ went out started the grill and went back inside. Several moments later he looked out the window to realize there were flames coming out of the supposedly empty grill. He then proceeded to scream for the neighbor to take the baby, run inside grab the fire extinguisher in the kitchen, realize what was on fire, turn off the propane and spray the flaming grill brush to oblivion.

Now our grill is out of commission because it is covered in fire extinguisher dust stuff until it gets clean, and back to the reason the grill caught on fire...that could take a while.

All in favor of getting my hubby medicated for around the house activities say "I."

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