Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Happy...6th? of July?

Alright, so I know I am a bit late for the 4th of July wishes. But in all fairness to myself, there was so much happening this weekend that there was no way I was going to get it all done, and blog. Then I got sicker than sick last night. I mean I haven't been this sick since probably before high school. Blah, I just pray I get to go back to work tomorrow.
Back to my weekend...
Let's start with Friday. I had a full day of work on Friday and then I headed home to get ready for a high school friends wedding. It was my first Indian Wedding and it was beautiful beyond words. Some pictures of the evening.

Saturday we drove down to Peru to get our wonderful little boy from my in-laws and to celebrate my nephew's 8th birthday. When we got home I realized I could wait no more and needed to go shopping. That's what I did. I bought one of everything at the store. I then came home and had a wonderful fire in the back yard with the neighbors.

Sunday we went of to the parade in Lisle (man was it hot), then to Grandma and Grandpa's to cool off. We then walked down to the Warrenville fireworks where we ran into Sara and Dan, the newly weds Aliyah and Derrick, and all the old Warrenville crew.
Monday we headed over to a coworkers house to have a cookout. I love there house it is wonderful. We then headed home. Later that night something moved into my tummy and put me down for the count.

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