Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I have found my voice twin!!

About 5 and a half weeks ago I started a Speech-Language Pathology student. I thought I was super lucky because she was already an Speech Path Assistant and had been working for 2 years. Little did I know I would find me. She showed up and jumped right in with two feet. She is awesome. I barley need to offer assistance. However, as I was sitting in one of the sessions a couple weeks ago I started to realize how much the two of us sound the same while we treat. most therapists have their every day voice then they have their super sweet, super "I can make you do anything" voice that they use during therapy. We also each have a couple of staple words and phrases that we seem to use over, and over, and over, and over. That way when the child starts to copy our voice and our special words/phrases we know they have been in therapy long enough. Most of the time that means time to kick you out the door but other times it just means its time to work on some thing new. Anyway, I started to realize my student and I have the same therapist voice, and the same words. I then told her about my observation and we laughed it off. About 2 or three days later we were sitting next to each other treating and sure enough, out popped the same words in the same voice at the exact same time. We both then froze, looked at each other, and laughed it off. It wasn't until Monday that I realized how bad it really was.

We ended up video taping a little guy during an evaluation to get a great language sample but due to his severe stutter I needed something super wonderful, which is why I went with the camera. And no Jen, this one did not have anything about 10 pointers or deer stands. Well Monday, we were listening/watching the tape and we had to stop the camera several times because we couldn't tell which one of us (neither of us were ever actually on camera) had just done the talking. I'm not going to lie either there are still moments when if the child wouldn't have looked in the direction of the speaker, I still wouldn't know who asked the question.

Therefore, all this verifies that my student should get an A for the term because if watching a tape pointed at the client and I can't tell if it was me on the other side or her, that is awesome for her!

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