Monday, February 01, 2010

Personal Image

BJ came home from youth group last night and they had been talking about body image and how we put so much of our lives into making sure everyone else likes us. Every one reaches their ability to accept themselves they way we were made at different times in our lives. But BJ pointed out that he became comfortable in his own skin when he was in middle school. That made me start thinking. BJ was comfortable with who he was before we started dating by I definitely was not. I started trying to figure out when I became comfortable with me. I think it was some where when I was in college, before grad school. But I really have to say BJ's model really helped me get to where I was comfortable with me. I think many people in the world would be much happier about life in general if they were able to enjoy who they are. I know that I am not the tallest, athletic, most gorgeous (or even wanting to put the time into making me that way), but I do know that I can just about make everyone laugh, I can be smart but I don't like to, I enjoy my inner child.

I wish I could help others figure out how to get to that level of confidence and be comfortable in their own skin. Because once you accept your faults for things you can't change, you will be happy!

1 comment:

Chris and Keri said...

I enjoy your inner child too!!