Wednesday, February 10, 2010


For those of you who didn't know, Illinois had an earthquake of 3.6 or 4.3 whoever you want to believe, about 3:45 am. Well this is the third earthquake that I have lived through since, well... um... since being alive. However, it was the first I actually felt.

The first quake was either when I was in High School or in Collage around 12:30am and I was heading to bed. I heard the house shake but i didn't actually feel anything. The second was a couple of years ago at about 3:00am, the whole family slept right through it. And here is how the third one played out.

I had awoken around 2 or so from some noise, or wind or something and I went back to sleep. Then at about 3:45 I woke up and heard a very strange sound. It is hard to to describe it because I was coming out of a very deep sleep. And during those moments I am not very clear with details. But I can tell you enough that between the shaking and the noise I was really convinced a snow plow had just ran into the side of our house. However, I wasn't worried enough to actually get out of bed to go check it out. I guess I figured if the wall was still okay and we were not falling out of our house, it could wait until morning. The noise then stopped and it was just shaking. Again, due to my sleep induced haze, I then convinced myself that it was just the wind, even if the wind had never done that to our house before. Now that I actually sit down and think about it I see more of my rational for the whole thing. I remember all the weather reports the night before staying that there were going to be large gusts of wind and lots of blowing and drifting snow. And since we live in a wind tunnel as it is, it was probably just the wind.

Things that I am now thinking about:

1. This is the second earthquake we have had since living in this house maybe we should see if we have earthquake coverage on our homeowners insurance. If we don't, we should probably add that on. So while we wait for the big one that will separate Illinois from the rest of the USA and throw it into the ocean we won't look like the house from life (split level).

2. Thanks a ton Elijah for sleeping through the night for the last 6 days or so. If you weren't doing that then we would have been awake and huddling together in your bedroom. "Gosh I always miss the fun stuff."

3. Elijah must have felt it because about an hour later he was crying and wide awake. He tends to chill in his crib for about an hour before he gets board and needs to be picked up. So at 4:45 am we had a screaming, hungry, wide awake child. Fantastic!!!

What did you think was happening when you were in the earthquake??

1 comment:

Chris and Keri said...

Either a) That my boiler/furnace blew up or b) there was a robber in the house.