Sunday, January 31, 2010

Question of the day

You may know that we have a dog. Not a very smart dog, but we have a dog. During the summer we are semi good at cleaning up the back yard once a week or so. However, in the winter, not so much. There are several reasons behind this
1. It is cold out there, I don't want to go out there to do it.
2. It is cold out there, I don't want to be out there anyway so why does it matter if there is poop all over.
3. It snows and it covers up the poop.
4. It is cold out there, and the poop freezes to the ground

Anyway, I went out to pick up the yard because even the dog was giving me looks like, "Um, this is gross I have no where to walk." So out I go with a shopping bag and a garden shovel. I'm out there and I make a realization and one of my wonderful questions pops into my head. The realization: Rabbits poop A LOT!!!! Question: If rabbits eat so much then why couldn't they poop like dogs? They need bigger poops instead of the little things they create. I also found in the back yard:
Lots of dog poop
2 pieces of rabbit poop for every piece of dog poop
A dead pigeon
And the dog. Who knew she was out there.

Another thing I realized today, My mom reads about 50 different blogs. Never knew.


Unknown said...

Hope Rescue did not get scooped into the bag with the dead pigeon! And to everyone else, 50 might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I do read quite a few. The modern version of reading magazine articles I suppose...

Kelly's Mom

BJ said...

Are you kidding? Your daughter didn't touch the dead bird!!!