Sunday, January 03, 2010

Random thoughts

First of all, there is nothing good on TV tonight. However, as I was flipping through the TV guide on cable I came across a NEW (2010): It looked so weird, I couldn't even watch the show. That and it was probably something about killer bugs or something. Not to sure.

Second: I have a confession to make, I made a New Years Resolution. I don't know if that is something that I should be proud about or if I should even count it as a resolution. More or less it is a start date with a time limit to when I want new behaviors to have replaced old. Anyway, I have decided that 2010 I will be using to get my eating habits back in check. After being pregnant and breast feeding I haven't really given my food a second thought. I need to get back in that habit since I will soon be done breast feeding and I don't think my metabolism will keep up with the way I am currently eating.

Third: Elijah is getting good at moving backwards. I don't know if he did it intentionally or not last night but he managed to scoot backwards to the kitchen table, under one chair, turn 90 degrees, move over a chair, turn 90 degrees again and out the other side of the table. Personally, I thought it was real impressive only getting stuck on one chair leg at the end.

Fourth: I have also recently decided that I deserve a long weekend away where it is warm with out my husband and baby. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't quite understand why I deserve the break or why he isn't aloud to come. Here is my rational for all this. First I spent about 3 months carrying a very large baby inside my body, followed by a natural birth. I then spent my 3 months of summer vacation inside because I was in to much pain and you can't really take an infant out into the sun. I have then also been the primary parent to get up in the middle of the night for the last 5 months tending to baby at 3 am at which time BJ sleeps right though this and has thought the baby doesn't get up anymore. BJ has also gone off to Minnesota for a football game leaving me here with baby, and has had a long weekend at home while I played single mother and got no sleep. Plus he is going off on a long weekend with the church kids to go skiing in about 2 or three weeks. If we only had the cash to do this I would be away for the weekend. I also don't think BJ knows exactly how much energy it takes to get up every night 1-3 times to tend to the child, dress him and get him ready for the day then at night plan his meals, bathe and get him ready for bed as well as getting him to sleep. It has been over 6 months since Elijah came to live with us and even though BJ is a wonderful dad, I have the majority of the responsibilities of taking care of the baby and a weekend away some where warm by a pool would be fantastic. Oh well like I said, the cash isn't there so I don't see it happening anytime soon.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

Just add up the amount of hours you've spent breastfeeding and that alone deserves a week at the beach circa 4 hours per day x 6 mos (180 days) = approx 720 hours of breastfeeding. I'm already dreaming of my beach vacation....