Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hubby Hi-Jacking

It is time for me, BJ, to hi-jack the blog again!!! As you all may know, I have been working 3rd shift for the last week. Well we are now two days into the second week and I am really looking forward to being back on the day shift. I will admit that it has not really been that bad as far as my sleep goes. My body is a little sore, but my mind on the other hand is in need of some normalcy.

Although I definitely do not miss driving without traffic and the weight that I have lost. I do have a list of things that I do miss. I miss eating breakfast for breakfast and dinner for dinner. I miss seeing Elijah both in the morning and evening. I miss the sun during the day, even if I can't really see it but through the skylights in the ceiling of the plant. And the thing in which I miss the most is sleeping in the same bed, at the same time, as Kelly.

I am looking forward to going back to a normal day shift and bring my mind back to ease.

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