Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleep deprived

I feel that I need to get this down before I forget it completely. As I look back at how far our little family has come in the last 7 months I realize there were things, that if I was blogging at the time, needed to be blogged about.

About 6 months ago or maybe a little bit more, there were many nights that I was very sleep deprived. I spent most of my time trying to figure out when I fed Elijah last, how long have been feeding him, and when would be the next time he needed to be fed. Even when I was trying to sleep. However, one night I got stuck between being awake and being asleep, I started going through the motions in my head of when I was feeding Elijah, but I was still sleeping. I then started having a vivid delusion of Rescue sleeping in Elijah's bassinet.

This is when I started talking in my sleep. I felt that I was holding Elijah and I needed to put him back in his bassinet, but the dog was there. I woke up BJ and told him that he needed to get Rescue out of the bassinet. He questioned me about what I wanted him to do and i told him again, "get Rescue out of the bassinet." He actually got up, walked over to the bassinet, passing the dog at the end of the bed, looked in and said, Elijah's in the bassinet. That's when it hit him that I was talking in my sleep. At first he was angry that I woke him up and got him out of bed, but then he thought it was funny.

Ah, wonderful sleep deprived moments in life. Very glad the majority of those days are gone and if I get up now in the middle of the night it is only for 15 min. However, over the past two weeks I have only gotten up 4 or 5 nights out of 14. Looks like I'm getting closer to getting a full nights sleep.

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