Monday, January 25, 2010


Alright, I finally took some video of Elijah crawling. Now the true test is to see if I can up load it to the blog. If there is a video clip attached to this blog then you know if worked, if there is only cute pictures of my little guy then you are just going to have to deal with that. UPDATE: one video uploaded so we are going to be daring and try a second one.

So here is the story of how Elijah learned how to crawl. Since Christmas he has been pushing up on his hands and knees as well as doing some awesome scooting backwards. Then about a week before he turned 7 months, he actually made some forward movement. But in true Elijah fashion that was it for a while. It's kind of like his babbling. On New Years Day he just started talking up a storm, then that was it for like several weeks. Then kaboom! Babbling again. So as the week went on and there was no news from daycare that he crawled again I was thinking we weren't going to see the crawling for several more weeks. I then started to chalk the lack of crawling to the fact that he is breaking all of his baby teeth at the same time. But then on Friday we headed over to the neighbors/Godparents house and sure enough, he saw dog toys and off he went. We figured out that in order to get Elijah to really move we have to give him something that he shouldn't have to work for. The more he isn't supposed to have it the faster he goes for it. Since that dog toy crawl he has been unstoppable. On one hand it is so great, on the other, I have already caught him playing in the dogs water bowl 2 times. We are in so much trouble.

But her are some cute pictures of Elijah oh his 7 month birthday and 7 months and 1 day. and then today. Daddy and baby watching some Saturday TV. Elijah trying to cheer on the Vikings to win!!

Look at me I have a new tent!! Rescue Come play with me!

Peak I see you!


Anonymous said...

Bummer! It said "currently not available" when I tried the video. I'll have to try again later. Love love love the smiles! Love, Aunt Sandra

Anonymous said...

Great! It worked this time! keep the videos coming. Love, Aunt Sandra

Debra said...

Videos not available when I tried,but since they worked for Sandra after awhile, I will try to check back. Congratulations!