Tuesday, February 09, 2010


UPDATE #1: No new car yet, need to make time to call Mazda. When?? Not real sure since I work during the time I need to call them.
UPDATE #2: Elijah's butt is doing good. However, he screams bloody murder anytime we need to change his diaper. That's real fun.
UPDATE#3: Elijah is up to 4 teeth. 2 top, and 2 bottom.
The other night I ended up watching the made for TV movie about the high school girls that all got pregnant together because they thought it would be really fun to all have babies together. One of the big things that I couldn't get over (being a person who just had a baby) is how much people really "forgot" to tell me about babies. So this started me thinking about what else people tend to make sound so much easier or better than they really are. Don't get me wrong, I love my little baby and i wouldn't return him right now, but there were things that would have been nice to know before I felt like the only person in the whole wide world that felt them. This made me start thinking though what else is like that and with Valentines Day coming up I thought there were somethings that needed to be discussed.
During one or two of our showers or in cards that we received at our wedding we got some stupid/bad advice. Let's talk about it... Never go to bed angry at each other. Really?? I can't even begin to talk about how many times BJ and I have gone to bed angry with each other since we were married. And in all actuality some times sleep is better than "talking it out." I mean when it is 10:00 and I am heading to bed and realize that BJ didn't put the garbage out like he promised, I will just have to suck it up and sleep on it and deal with it in the morning. Or when there really are times that you really are angry at the other person that you need the night to cool off before you address the problem. I honestly think it, no matter how much you love someone, that getting angry or upset at the other person is healthy because then you can appreciate more.

What's some stupid advice you got?? Let me know, I'll find some fun examples for you if you just give me the advice.


Ryan and Katie said...

At one of my showers people filled out "advice" cards and one of the worst ones said "If the baby cries after 2 weeks old in the middle of the night only feed her water and she'll learn to sleep through the night"...or starve. They told me it was from Dr. Spock and worked for them. Thanks but no thanks!

LittleKelly said...

They also forget to mention the utter pain you as a parent feel as the your child is screaming.