Sunday, August 07, 2005

What to wear?

Okay, so how many times have you sat around thinking what should I wear? There is such a fine line between being over dressed and being underdressed. But how do you know where that line is when your sitting at home trying to figure out what to wear. Well I have figured out a soluition, wear what you want! But bring at least two other outfits in case your definition of "casual" was not the same understanding as everyone elses definition of casual. This way it saves you the embarisment of sticking out the entire evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey.....nice couch! When I saw the picture, I couldn't help thinking about the "Left Behind" book series where all of the Christians vanish at once and all that's left are their clothes. I guess it would look like that.

As far as worrying about what to wear though, its not really a "guy" thing. We're just lucky that way, I guess.