Friday, August 05, 2005

Scary house plants

Okay so my roommate apparently told the lady across the hall that we would watch her plants for two weeks. That's cool, we have plants that we haven't killed. We water them every few days or so when ever the soil gets dry. So My roomy left and the plants came over to stay. OH MY GOODNESS!! They are the ugliest, scariest plants I have ever seen! And Im almost certain one is a weed! I posted them let me know what you think. Honestly I think house plants should look nice and sweet and warm.

Oh and I fixed my comment page. Now everyone can leave a comment.


Ryan and Katie said...

Our flowers are quite scary at the moment too.....I don't think I am much of a gardener...Oh well!

Anonymous said...

So I came home Monday, and the plants scared me when I walked in the door!!! I'll try not to kill them so our neighbor will still like us. By the way, the apartment looks great! Thanks for cleaning!!