Thursday, August 04, 2005

The first of many (I Hope)

Okay so both my cousin and some of my friends have started this blog thing so I thought what the heck. Since I'm stuck up away from everyone this seems like a good way to keep everyone else up to speed with what is happening in my life. Hopefully I can stick with this and not forget about it.

Well first of all I am writing this the night before my last day of classes for the term and the last presentation that I will give. Then its back home for a busy and short month before I get to come back up here.

Well to day I had my first real life fair experience. Yes, growing up in the Chicago suburbs fairs aren't that common. We have them but we usually don't go to them. This fair was ridiculously expensive. It cost us $9.00 per person plus another $6.00 to park the car. For that much money we were expecting something good! But nooooo just rides, food, and animals. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with the fair. I had fun looking at the animals but maybe next year I will go to a larger fair with cooler stuff at it and I'll be impressed.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

I love fairs only for the food....the rides are scary and I've seen animals before. I am glad you have joined the bloggers!!