Monday, August 29, 2005

Oops! I forgot about Saturday

Well now were on to Saturday. Well we woke up way early to get a good start on the day and plus BJ's first game was at 8 so we had to be up and at the field by then anyway. Well let me just tell you how incredibly lost we were on our way to the softball fields. There were three cars all following each other assuming that the lead car knew where we were going. BAD ASSUMPTION!!! Yeah we did so many U-turns I'm surprised nobody threw up from dizziness. Now the majority of you know the happy go lucky BJ, but very few of you know the pissy BJ. Let me just tell you at 7:15 in the morning late for a softball game BJ gets a little cranky. So we finally get to the fields with about 10 till 8, and of course we park the furthest distance from the fields. Now if not one cranky softball player wasn't enough we now have 5 cranky softball players all speed walking to the fields. Well it just went from bad to worse because once we were at the fields the team realized that there were only seven men present out of the 13 who said they were going and 9 needed to field a team. Oh man, just back away slowly is the only advice I can give in a situation like that. So yes the team had to forfeit their first game due to lack of men. Well due to the loss we had to go to a different set of fields to play the next game, and had 4 hours to get enough men so they could at least play. Some how they recruited two guys from a skate park to play and had one guy come up with his kids from an hour and a half away. Things were looking better, that is until they lost by sloder rule in the fifth inning eliminating them from the tournament. The real kick in the pants for poor BJ was that the other team BJ could have gone to state with placed 7th. BJ was bummed to say the least.

PS I have no idea who these people are I just thought it showed the way BJ felt by the end of the softball tournament.

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