Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ewww Gross

Today was my last day of classes for the summer!! Wahooo! However, I still need to get in a couple more hours of my assistantship before I go home. I can use those hours doing a couple of things working for the meanest lady in the world, or cleaning parts of the clinic that haven't been touched in years. Hmmm, I think I'll take the cleaning. Man I have never seen dust so think in my entire life! After a lot of sneezing and paper towels I am only left with one hour to complete! That will be spent cleaning toys tomorrow.

So After a long day of cleaning at school I came home to my apartment which hasn't been cleaned in probably about 3 months because of school and all. Man this place was a mess!!!! I spent an hour and a half doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Well this place is almost clean, I hope my roomy likes the way it looks and smells when she gets back.

OH yeah and I learned that when you are washing a floor don't walk across it with bare feet. You have no idea how many times I had to wash the same spot because I had to keep going back into a room for something.

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