Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well since last time I wrote it seems like I have been constantly on the go. Saturday night BJ, my dad, Kelly and I all went to a comedy club in Joliet. Then Sunday Mom, Sonny, BJ and I went up the chain of lakes with the boat and spent some time around there. That was a fun time, I got to see an Ice Cream Float,and a Hot dog floating house. We ate at both so now I can say I have eaten hot dogs and ice cream from floating food stands. BJ was even daring enough to go tubing but I decided the water was too choppy so I just watched in the boat. I, however, burnt my face and chest so bad it hurts to smile or make any facial expressions for that matter.

Then last night was BJ's last Monday night softball game. They lost but BJ had some good plays. BJ's niece and nephews were really cute last night too.

Well tonight is my dreaded shift from 1-11 with the possibility of going to 12. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy people I will get to register today. I only have 3 more days of work and less than two weeks before I have to go back to school.

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