Thursday, August 18, 2005

Potting Plants

Okay, so my mom has these two plants that she wanted to get new pot for because the ones we have are old and kinda boring. So about 2 and a half years ago my brother bought her these new pots that she wanted. Well for the past two and a half years these pots have been sitting next to the sewing machine in the laundry room just begging to be put on display. SOOOO me being the good daughter I am decided to transfer the plants myself. Well apparently mom also wants to split the plants which I thought no problem. Well after being covered head to toe in dirt or Potting Soil I finally get the two plants into four separate pots however, they no longer stand up strait. The poor plants have to sit in corners just so it looks like they are growing up and not out. I really hope I didn't just kill the plants we had in our house for years and years and years. Good luck to them in their new homes.

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