Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How did it get to be so late?

I had full intentions to blog tonight, however, I decided to go back to school. I have taken on the small (haha) task of writing an article for my new job. Topic: Feeding. To me thrilling and totally cool, to you yawn and why would you work on feeding? Well once the article is done, I will post a link to it. Don't go looking for it before Winter. So what does this article consist of, well old fashioned article exploration, and some small opinionated poll from our lovely Facebook. SO if you haven't already told me, I need to know: Foods you hate/don't eat and why. Or Foods you refuse to try and why. If you answer you will almost be famous in a printed article. I know you wanna. Please though if you could do it to my Facebook status will help me keep it all organized and in one place. If you are a stranger and are not my "friend" on Facebook, then I guess your opinion doesn't count. Just kidding, Leave a message on the post. Now tomorrow is Wednesday which means I work late and will probably want to go straight to bed so maybe in like 5 months I'll tell you about Fantasy Football or that small child that I promise we still have living here. What can I say, Being a crazy full time working mommy, trying to keep my house organized is just how I am learning to live. I think I'm more organized now than before I was a Mommy which is hard to believe. I think my new work hours help out a bit with that too.

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