Sunday, August 08, 2010

In my head

Sometimes as I am by myself I write a blog post in my head. It could be about anything. Then by the time I get back to the computer I have completely forgotten how the blog goes. It's not that I have forgotten what the blog was about, which happens often, but the good content I forget and it just doesn't sound the same when I start typing. Like last night, I wrote a wonderful post in my head as I was falling asleep. It was all about how happy I am with my life right now and how I never could have pictured where I am with my life years ago. You will just have to take my word for it because as I sit here thinking about re-writing it, I feel it wouldn't do the blog justice if it didn't sound just as it did in my head last night.

More or less it came down to this... I love my family, I'm proud of my siblings, I have been exceptionally blessed with my husband and my child, and every now and again I can really love my dog. But I think I fell asleep before I got to the dog part in my head. I just thought I should add that in in case she ever read this post.

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