Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to earn your pay when there is not much to do

As many of you know, I recently started a new job. When I started this job I didn't take over somebodies old caseload, but am expected to build my own. As much as this means a ton of work in my future with marketing, evaluations, and writing reports, but I look forward to all this and this is what I signed up for. However, as soon as I started working I wasn't going to have 100's of people lined up at the door. Looking positively, in my first week I have had 3 evals and seen one client. Next week, even with jury duty I have 2 or three more evals and several more clients. However, that only accounts for a very small fraction of my day. So I have been figuring out ways to keep myself busy and worth my pay. So if you're ever in my situation, here are some things you can do:
-Move in all your stuff in
-find homes for all your stuff
-build a book case
-help in the front office when they need to eat
-learn the computer program
-write up some evals
-read files on new clients
-organize an entire therapy closet
-organize a book case
-reorganize your files and your stuff
-check your mail several times
-build a treadmill
-refile the mistakes you made
-call a couple of doctors to request scripts

I'm sure there is a bit more but they have slipped my mind.

Stay tuned next week for, How to entertain yourself for 40 hours while you wait to be called for jury duty.

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