Saturday, August 21, 2010

The house is turning against me

Last night wasn't the best in our house. Sometime (unsure of the real time) the phone rang. Not long enough though to actually answer it. Then is stopped. Then around 4, BJ woke up out of a dead sleep and thought he was running late for work. After convincing him he didn't need to be at work until 8:00. I realized I still had my contacts in, and they were dried to my eyeballs. Once I got them out of my eyes and crawled back in bed on the edge of sleep, my cell phone starts to die. After I run downstairs and plug it in and am back in bed asleep, the mirror in the shower fell off the wall and scared us to death. After falling asleep one more time, the phone rang again. Really?? how can all that happen in less than 2 hours.

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