Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Elijah

Wow it's already your first birthday. I cannot believe how fast these past 12 months have gone for us as a family. It was a year ago today that I woke up at 2:30 in the morning questioning if it was really the time to head to the hospital or if it was just my imagination. It is weird for me to think that a year ago I still didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. From the moment you were born, both your daddy and I agreed that you were were going to have all of your daddies good looks. We also quickly realized that you were a wonderful gift to us. It was difficult the first few nights with you home. It was different getting used to the fact that a full nights sleep might never happen again. It was also hard for me to get used to the fact that you were kind of boring. All you did was cry, poop, eat and sleep. Then you got a little older, you started showing me just how smart you really were and it amazes me how much you have accomplished in your short life.

Eventually you began sleeping through the night. You eventually began to explore the world, grow, and laugh. You were a wonderful infant. Every day you were alive I learned to love you more than the day before. Each day I found something new to love about you. Like the day you popped your first tooth. I never knew I could love a tooth so much in my life.

Here is a quick list of what you did in your first year of life:
You traveled to Tennessee to attend a wedding.
You met your Great-Grandma and Great Grandpa Berwyn.
You met your Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandfather Collins.
You had your first Chicago Cruise.
You met Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Chapman
You left a lasting impression on Daddy.
You went to a Bears Vs. Lions football game
You picked out your first pumpkin.
You went Trick-or-treating in Chicago.
You were baptized and Katie and Jon became your godparents
You traveled to Michigan
You had surgery to make your butt just perfect.
You picked out your future car at the auto show.
Learned to fly a kite.
You traveled to Minnesota
You met your extended Minnesota family
You went to Great-Grandpa's funeral
You were introduced to swimming.
You went to Michigan to watch Uncle Brett Graduate.
You went to Iowa to watch Uncle Tom Graduate.
You went to the zoo.

Elijah boy- You are loved very much! I can't wait to continue to spend more time with you and figure out who you will be when you get older.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwwww. Almost made me cry! Has been a special year for us all.