Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I decided on my way to work today that I would like to learn how to golf...Actually I know how to golf, I just don't do it very well. So correction, I would like to go golfing and not have lots of people sooo annoyed at me for being on the 3rd hole tee and hitting my ball onto the 8th hole green. Or being the person that shoots a 200 on 9 holes. I think most of the people on the golf course would get over the stupid girl that doesn't know how to golf and is waisting all their time, but my hubby would have the most difficulty with it. I thought up a social story to help with this situation.

My name is BJ. I love my wife.
I wish my wife was more into playing sports. I would be willing to teach her sports.
Sometimes people do not pick sports quickly like me.I need to have lots and lots and lots of patients with my wife. I love my wife very much.
I know that my wife tries hard to hit the ball where I tell her to, but I know it will never go in that direction.
I understand that sometimes playing something means that you don't have to be good at it.
I love my wife.I'm glad she tries. Next time maybe we will just go mini golfing.

Oh and no worries about being stuck behind me on the golf course, I don't even have clubs.

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