Monday, June 28, 2010

Ah what a golden day

1. I know you are all on the edge of your seats to find out about Elijah's party. You have to wait until tomorrow.
2. It finally stopped raining and threatening the end of the world here in Chicago. It was beautiful today.
3. I traded in my SLP title today to relive my hay days as a registrar.
4. The kiddos I did treat today were fantastic and well behaved.
5. Except the child who kept reciting the advisories from the Disney shows he just saw (tease!)
6. Had Jimmy Johns for lunch.
7. Possibly ran a red light with a red light camera (wahoo! Birthday gift from the state)
8. Spent about 6 hours trying to complete one eval.
9. Spent 28 minutes writing a thank you note to a doctor.
10. Received 28 text messages from my hubby today!
11. Spent 28 minutes on Facebook getting all my birthday wishes
12. Read about 28 old blog posts
13. Decided for the second time in my life that I won't work on my birthday again.
14. Realized my plans for the weekend needed to be switched around by a day because I'm living a year in the future.
15. Took a 28 minute lunch outside today.
16. Did not fold the laundry.
17. Did not clean the mess up from Elijah getting into his nicely organized birthday gifts.
18. Did not clean out the garage for the car to sleep inside.
19. Took a stroll through the hood, all is quiet.
20. Got to pick the TV for the evening.
21. Ate Olive Garden for dinner.
22. Stepped in for the evening dance with the baby.
23. Was bit by the baby.
24. Baby laughed so hard when told "NO" that I couldn't hold my angry face and spent about 28 seconds laughing too.
25. Tried to change the diaper genie but almost died. So I stopped.
26. Made BJ change the diaper genie.
27. Had tiramsiu for dessert
28. Had a wonderful Golden 28th Birthday. Thank you to all for my day!


Ryan and Katie said...

Yay! Happy Birthday!! Where are you a registrar at?

LittleKelly said...

Just at my work. The front desk staff was sick which led me to help take care of things up front.