Tuesday, April 06, 2010

First hair cut

Elijah was born with a full head of hair. And since that day he has had a couple of really, really long hairs. I mean the root of the hair was in the back of his head and it would come down and touch the bridge of his nose. We are talking crazy long. It was also getting a bit unruly around his ears. So off to the modern day barber (sportclips) for our first hair cut. Daddy needed a hair cut too so the boys did it together. First daddy sat in the chair and he had his cape put on, then Elijah sat on his lap and they pulled out a little kid cape. I just about died. He was just soooo cute. They then cut about 10-15 hairs on his head, without cutting any skin or ears while he wiggled around, taped the hair that they could catch to paper, then paid $15.00 for the Experience. HAHA yeah, next hair cut, Elijah will be doing it at home, and we will be waiting until he can sit still long enough to do so. I will not be paying $15.00 for my child to get 4-5 hairs cut every couple of months. And in the coming years... Buzz cut for the summer!

1 comment:

Chris and Keri said...

That's like $1.50 per hair...heeheehee!!