Monday, March 29, 2010

Bath time!

A while back I did a post on bath time at our house. Well bath time has changed a bit since then. So here is a look. Now Elijah does not sit in his bath chair anymore. Now he will sit, crawl, and try to climb out of the tub. Way back when, Elijah used to eat bath water and soap, now he eats his toys, and the bath water. However, he has to have one in each hand and half the time one in his mouth. Real cute.
Here is the soap we have been using with Elijah since June. The ring I put on there so you can see the overall size of the thing. When BJ gives Elijah a bath he also tries out some new hair styles. Then when the bath is done Elijah gets all wrapped up in his over sized beach towel. I have to say that I love his bathroom. It is completely beach/turtle themed. The walls look like sand, we have a framed a sand castle, the tub has waves on it. The stuff around the sink all have turtles on them as well as the shower curtain. I love it! It is so kid friendly.
Where did Elijah Go???

Here he is!! Gosh I think He is cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bath time fun with more exercise for mom and dad! Love the last drenched picture.