Thursday, March 11, 2010


Do you ever feel that things are never done?? I do. For example, on Tuesday, I spent over 8 hours cleaning my house. I did about 6 loads of laundry, folded it all, and put it all away. I cleaned just about every room, all the counters and did all the floors. I did parts of the bathrooms, but not all of them. The house looks great, but then not even about 2 hours later I want to dust, clean the bathrooms that I didn't do, organize Elijah's clothing that are to small. Then after a day flat surfaces have become magnets for junk/paper. That and after I put in 8 hours of cleaning, I feel all the little stuff could be resolved if only someone did a little help around the house too. 30 min, is all I ask, this house would look amazing!

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