Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Ha..I just read Katie's blog and it makes me laugh that this is what I am blogging about tonight. (Side note to Katie... As a parent I know I am judged but one thing I have learned since working with parents and children and giving parenting advice before I was ever one. FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! If you believe that what your are doing is right for you and your current situation then show it to everyone. And when others give you their different opinion, SMILE AND NOD! and complain about it later.)

Anyway, a co-worker came up to me today and asked me what things I would recommend as a new mother to a soon to be mother. I thought for some reason that I have already written some of these down but I guess that is one of those things that I have thought about then come blog time it has left my brain. So here are some things that I think I couldn't do without and other I think I could have.

-Boppy- you either love it or hate it. I personally LOVE IT! From the moment Elijah was born to now. Elijah spent most of his newborn days in or on it. Now that he is mobile, he enjoys to to climb over it.
-Dr. Browns bottles- Love them! I have dealt with lots of bottles at work and I love these the best.
-Bath chair-Prefer over little bathtubs or bath cushion. I used the same one from newborn to self sitter. Plus it folds down so little.
-Bouncy chair- Love it. This was the only way I was ever able to shower for the first 3 or 5 months. I kept it in the bathroom and Elijah would sleep/sit there and I would never have to worry about him.
-Space saver High chair- Love It! another great place to put Elijah when he was an infant and I needed to take care of the dog, and now, He is eating at it and it will restrain him when I don't want him in the dog's water bowl.
-Swing- Love it, I just wish we would have had one that went back and forth, as well as side to side.
-Bassinet- Loved it for about 3 months. I borrowed one from my neighbor and it rocked and that was a life saver on nights that Elijah was up and fussy but I wanted to sleep, I just laid in bed and rocked him.
-Bottle warmer- NEVER USED IT- Possibly because Elijah was fed booby milk until 6 months and then the microwave has been our bottle warmer.
-Wipe warmer- Used it maybe 3 times. Then I found it was more work to keep them warm and moist and what not that we stopped using it.

I'm sure there is more but I just got real sleepy and need to stop thinking.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

sing along with me...they're cousins...identical cousins and you'll find... :)