Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Car update!!

I bet you are all on the edge of your seats to know what is going on with my car. No?? To bad gonna tell you any way.

I finally got around to calling Mazda. And guess what happened! Yup you guessed it. Nothing! They said exactly what I thought they were going to say. "My car didn't have any recalls on it."

I then called the National Highway something something something to file a claim. They were really nice there. Especially since I don't have a Toyota that I am complaining about. The guy actually said he was happy it was not a Toyota! I made his day! I filed a claim, and am waiting for paper work to be sent to me to add all my receipts to that the mechanic gave me.

This all got me thinking... I really like my mechanic. He went out of his way to find out about recalls on my car and tell me about them. If I had brought my car to Mazda, that would have been the end of the story.

On another note: I have decided my next car is going to be a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. So if any one has a 2008 that they want to sell. Call me!!! But that's what I want. They are awesome cars. Thanks Dad for getting me hooked. It's a Jeep Wrangler with 4 doors and storage space. THE DOORS AND ROOF COME OFF. COME ON ITS THE BEST CAR ON EARTH!!!!

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