Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to Eat

As a mother, I am want my little boy to eat the right amount at the right time. As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) I know when kids SHOULD stop and start doing things especially with eating. For example, I know kids shouldn't be on a bottle after about 8 months of age, they should be starting soft foods around 7 or 8 months of age, they should be eating just about everything by about a year. However, in actuality, I haven't had time to teach my child how to drink out of a sippy cup or open cup for that matter yet, at least not consistently, and his night time bottle helps him get to sleep at night. I just recently realized that I should be giving my child more "real" food than I actually am. But it is hard, that darn baby food is soooooo easy for a working mother. It's just there, not mess. Easy. Making Elijah vegetables and getting them to the right temperature, cutting them up, mashing them to a chewed consistency takes lots of time.

Now I feel for all those parents that come in for speech, and they just don't know. Before, I just thought, DUH come on, how could you not know? Now I feel for those people. It helps being a parent, it doesn't make me a better therapist but it does help me relate to the parents MUCH more.

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