Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Near Death Experiance

Rescue gave us a bit of a scare today. I thought St. Patties day might have been the last day we had our dog. But I think luck was on her side today. Let me tell you what happened.

As we came downstairs today I noticed a spider in the dinning room. So being the wimp that I am, I called the dog and had her try to eat it. Well the spider high tailed it under her basket of toys and Rescue looked at me for help. I moved the basket and she went at the spider again. Typical spider hunting today, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I saw she had got the spider. Then she jumped back and spit the spider out. It was odd, the spider was in the middle of the floor and Rescue was just looking at it, she would never typically do that. She then got up, walked to the door and gave me a look that said, "I'm going to throw up." I put her outside and sure enough that she did. She then came back in and laid down under the table. She didn't lay down like a sphinx, but like a dead animal. She wouldn't respond to her name, even when I got down on the floor and poked at her she didn't move. That's when I started to get worried, I when to the last resort, I pulled out her all time favorite treat. Nothing. I even waived it in front of her noise. Nothing. That's when I was officially worried. I then grabbed her front paws and back paws and dragged her out from under the table. Nothing. Didn't even phase her. Since BJ had just left I called him to come back. Upon closer examination it looked like her lip was starting to swell. I then called the Animal Hospital and after I told them what had happened, they told me to get her in ASAP. (never a good sign) So BJ took her in and I headed to work, with no breakfast because I spent all my time seeing if the dog was dead or not.

Apparently once Rescue got to the hospital she started to feel better and was walking around a bit more. By the time the Doc came in she was back to normal. So BJ brought her back home and left her in the crate. I kept wanting to call her to check on her, however, I didn't think she would answer the phone. My biggest fear was that I was going to get home from work today and she would be dead in her crate. No worries she was up and running around.

Rescue Lives another day. And BJ has banned me from having the dog eat spiders.

As I hit publish post the first time Rescue jumps off the couch and goes for another house spider. Damn!

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