Saturday, November 05, 2005

The sewing machine Drama

Sew, Tania has been trying to buy this sewing machine from Singer for the past week. However, the problems that just keep coming up are making her try and figure out if it is really worth it. First, she went to JoAnn fabrics and tried to special order it through there. However, they were making her jump through hoops and not accepting her credit card. Then, Tania called her husband and had him buy the machine in Detroit and mail it to her here. But when he went to pay for the machine they told him there were insufficient funds in the account. After a bunch of phone calls they found out that JoAnn's charged the account even though they told them they didn't. So after they canceled the order and got the money back in their account her husband bought the machine and shipped it to her. It arrived here on Wednesday night and she was super excited. Then on Thursday, another sewing machine arrived at her house. After more investigation JoAnn's didn't cancel her order and charged her account once more for the machine. So now she has insufficient funds in her account, two really expensive sewing machines and JoAnn's saying they don't have any recollection of contact with Tania. Sew, we called FedEx yesterday to get them to come back and pick up the boxes because they should have never left it here in the first place. We told them to pick it up at our house though because Tania was going to be gone all day. Well they didn't they went to her apartment and we still have both sewing machines. Tania is way mad. So hopefully everything will get worked out soon but he moral of the story is never buy a sewing machine from JoAnn's.

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