Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pleasures of being a parent

Part of the reason I have not been bloging as much this past month is due to the fact that Elijah has really been trying my patients.  I love my baby boy, I love him so much, but when he was sick, and I was sick, he really tried me.  I have to admit, there were many moments these past few weeks that he would wake up in the middle of the night, or super early and just scream.  Since I too was sick I didn't tend to him as I should have, but took him to my bed and hope that I too could get just a smidge of extra sleep.  Then came the antibiotics.  I loved them, for both Elijah and myself, but then came the yeast rash.  Now all of a sudden he didn't want his bottem touched because it was redder than an apple.  Have you ever tried to hold/carry a baby when you couldn't touch it's butt?  Yeah it was not awesome. 
By the end of the day, I was so exhausted and I felt like crap that I didn't want to do anything but sleep.  Saturday, Elijah goes back to the doctor to check to make sure his ears are clear (which I don't think they are) and hopefully we will be back on track for a healthy household.  Cross your fingers.

1 comment:

Ryan and Katie said...

no fun! We are passing the cold germs around our house now and it sucks! Someone told me if a baby takes a antibiotic they should always take a probiotic to avoid yeast infections. (And good for adults too) Liv hasn't ever had one but if I take a antibiotic I make sure to give her some probiotics. They make a few kinds for kids. Hope you are both better soon!!