Monday, May 22, 2006

Here Ye, Here Ye

**Trumpet Sound**
Just thought I would let you all know that I am now an official Speech Language Pathologist!!! Yes I did it. I got hooded, I climbed the steps, I walked across the stage, I shook some persons hand, and then walked down the stairs. I didn't fall and they said my name correctly. As far as school goes, I think I am done for a couple of years. Now it is time to grow up and get a job. The thought is a little frightening just because it is something new. It's not that I don't think I will be a good SLP but the fact that I am no longer a student. It took me 6 years to finally figure out how to do a good job at school now it will all change and I will have to be a professional.

Thanks for your attention, you can go on with your day.

1 comment:

Bryna said...

Congrats Kelly! You are going to be awesome at being a grown up with a job! I just know it!