Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Well first and for most, Happy New Year. Second, guess I cursed myself! So last post I mentioned that I was hoping for fun and exciting times on the eve of the new year to help ring in the super special year. Yeah well this is how it all played out. The day before New Years eve eve we went to a wedding and stayed in a nice hotel out by where the wedding was. I think hotels now are getting the idea that when people stay there they want to be comfortable because the bed at this place was awesome, the pillows were great, and the sheets were softer than anything I have slept on in a while. So anyway, New years eve we woke up super early to get bj to work on time, turns out we could have spent an extra 30 minutes sleeping because we got to his store before anyone else did. Then I left BJ there and came home to clean. Fun I know. Then I drove out to pick BJ up at the time he told me to but the store was so busy we ended up staying an hour later than normal. While I was at the store waiting for BJ the people we were supposed to go out with for New Years ended up calling and saying they were sick. And if your sick you really don't want to pay to go out and not drink. So here it is 4:00 on New Years Eve and we have no plans. So BJ and I get to his house and quickly try to make plans for the evening. We decided to once again go bowling and spend the evening at the bowling ally. Well around 10:30 I started to feel kinda funny. I didn't know if I was hungry or if I had eaten something weird. So I sat a few games out. Well as the night went by I just got worse and worse and worse. The clock struck midnight, we said happy New Year, and I said we need to go I am going to be sick. So my first day of 2006 was spent sleeping on BJ's bathroom floor because every time I would try to move I would get sick. Sometime during the day BJ's mother convinced me to move downstairs so everyone could make sure I was still alive. 24 hours later I was soar, and asleep but today, Jan. 2, I was at least a little more social than the day before. So I hope that the first day of the new year does not influence the rest of the year because that would stink pretty bad! Hope your holiday was better than mine!

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