Monday, January 25, 2016

Good Luck

Several weeks ago BJ and I watched a short blurb about parenthood. Specifically, how bed time has changed from before and after children. Before children you say "good night" after you have kids you say "good luck."  This is so true in our house now days.  We could sleep or we could be walk a mile.  It has gotten to a point where I wake up in the morning and can't remember if I was up or not.  I have to check the fitbit. The other night I walked almost 300 steps. In a room that takes about 25 steps to get to and 8 steps to walk from one side to the other, that's a lot of steps.  The fit bit also lets me know how long was awake during the night.  So each night BJ and I crawl into bed look into each other's eyes pick a night from recent past where we almost slept through the night, wish we get that, and say "good luck." We then roll over and go to sleep...for an hour or two. 

It's awesome. I love parenthood.

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