Monday, October 03, 2011

What happened?

Some kids ask "why," some kids ask "what's this," some kids ask "wha happen?"  Translation What happened?  BJ and I are starting to think this is a frequently used phrase at daycare.  I like it.  When ever Elijah asks he has the sweetest tone in his voice.  as though he really is caring about what is really happening or what had happened.  Some times we even get a bit of a hand flip too.  However, as with the lovely question of why coming up with an answer is not always easy, especially when you take into consideration that only about half of what Elijah says is understandable.  The kid also has eagle eyes and can see things that normal people cannot, let alone ones with glasses that are not the right prescription.  Then throw in a moving car, your lucky if you even know what he is talking about let alone have any idea about how to answer the question. 

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