Saturday, October 22, 2011

Message from beyond

I'm not one much to believe in ghosts and being contacted from people who are no longer living, but sometimes the signs are just so obvious I can't help but acknowledge them.  I have also been reading a book titled "Heaven is for Real."  I don't know if the whole book is real but I like to think it is, plus it also gives you a better idea of what the unknown is.  So needless to say it has had me thinking a lot lately about heaven.  As we were going into BJ's surgery I told him that if he goes to Heaven while he is is in surgery to say hi to family and friends that are there.  We smiled about it and BJ told me the people he really wanted to see if he could.  We were the first ones scheduled for surgery that day and at 6:30 in the morning we walk into the surgery center.  When we opened the door to the center a perfect monarch butterfly fell out of the door.  BJ and I just looked at each other and smiled.  Reason being, his grandma loved butterflies and is remembered by butterflies.  We thought it was a nice way to let us know that his grandma was with BJ during his surgery.

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