Sunday, April 10, 2011

We're still getting firsts

Today was Elijah's first trip to DQ and it was also his first scrapped knee.  Elijah is funny, he knows that when he does something to hurt others he tells us Sorry and gives us a kiss and a hug.  When he fell in the driveway he became very angry at it and told the driveway NO NO!  Then we came and took pictures of it.  We went on a second walk and he tripped again, landing on his poor skinned knees.  Then as we were going up the stairs tonight he decided to try and walk up, instead of crawling, and tipped.  He then hit his poor skinned knee on the wall before he crashed into me and scaring both of us to death.  As he sat there crying he kept telling me "Wall, Wall oww.  Wall knee."  I feel there will be many more days coming.


Ryan and Katie said...

What?! How is this his first scraped knee?? LIv currently has two scrapped knees and a huge strawberry on her forehead. All from falling while playing on concrete! Good times!

LittleKelly said...

Yeah it was his first, You have to remember we live in the north. It has been cold, and very snowy here since November. It was the first time he went outside and fell. The long pants protected him most of the time up until now.