Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yup, Still the worst mom in the world.

The first time our child went to the zoo was on his first birthday.  It was raining, hailing, tornadoing, but gosh darn it we were going to be there.  Read this is if you don't believe me. So it is our only open Saturday in April and I wanted to take Elijah to the zoo.  Today it was a high of 40, raining and snowing with 50 mph winds.  Yup, guess what we ended up doing.  We went to the Zoo!!!  The nice part about that is there were only about 5 other people at the zoo.  No pictures today.  It was way to cold to get the camera out.  It was fun though.  Elijah was able to sit in the front row for all the exhibits without being trampled.  We sat in the giraffe house for 30 minutes just watching the giraffes walking back and forth and trying to get them to lick our hands.  It was real fun.

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