Monday, April 04, 2011

I don't know, what about some pictures

Lately, Elijah has figured out that when we take pictures he can see them on the camera.  When he hears the camera go he comes over and wants to see what we had.  However, he also wants to see pictures that we haven't taken.  It's hard to explain to him that the camera has to be on but that is a bit over his head.  Here are some of the pictures I have taken just to make my boy happy.  These are the cute, non-blurry ones. 
Getting a peak at Jon.
Playing Dino Peek-a-boo (it's like I'm going to get you but right when you are about to get Elijah he turns into a Dino and comes after you.  You hide the jump out at him and either scare him to tears or giggles.  Depends how sleepy he is.)
His newest face...Ewww (with emphasis on the wwwww)

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