Thursday, November 11, 2010

My life

Let me just share with you the morning I had.  Now keep in mind this is with my 16.5 month old child who has limited words.  This is us getting out the door today.

Me: (put dog food in the dog bowl and hand the bowl to Eli) Put in Rescue's crate.
Eli: (walks over puts the dog food bowl in the crate)
Me: (opens the cabinet to get out a dog treat and hands the treat to Eli) Tell Rescue "crate time" (turn my back to close up the cabinet)
Eli: (walks 10 steps and stops)
Me:  What are you doing?  Go give Rescue her treat.
Eli: (on the verge of tears no dog treat in sight)
Me: Where did the treat go?  I gave you one right?  I though I did.
Rescue:  (Can smell we have all touched her treat but also can't find it going crazy)
Eli: (about to cry, staring off into space)
Me:  Did you hide the treat?  Did you drop the treat?  Did I really give you a treat? (get down on the floor and look under everything)
Rescue: (jumping on top of us trying to find the treat)
Me:  I could have sworn I gave you a treat. (look one more time on the ground.  See the treat about a foot under the stove) Found it.  How did it get under there? (get the treat out with about 10 pounds of dust) Give this to Rescue.
Eli: (not real sure what to think drops the treat 3 more times in the 10 feet to Rescues cage)
Rescue: (barley able to contain her self just takes her treat and gets in the crate.)

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