Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A mouse in my house!

Friday I am sitting in the house by myself because BJ worked a double shift.  I had just gotten Elijah to sleep by holding him in my arms and I was hungry.  So being lame I decided to make mac and cheese, but since we had it the night before I had to wash the pan and strainer.  After I put the water on the stove to boil, I started looking at a catalog that showed up in the mail out of the corner of my eye I saw something dart across the floor, hit the corner of the dishwasher then a long tail disappeared under the dishwasher.  I proceeded to freak out call BJ (like he could really help me) and climbed on top of the couch.  His suggestion was to call the neighbor to set the traps.  Go figure they were far away.  So I was on a mission and called the rest of the neighbors to find someone to set the traps for me.  I then had him stay so I could make my dinner.  I then spent the rest of my evening scared to move off of the couch, which really was a bummer because I had planned to clean the kitchen while BJ was out and about. 

BOO to mice!!!

P.S. it was dead in the morning.

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