Monday, November 08, 2010


I had a dream last night that made me really mad at BJ.  Do you ever have those dreams?  You know the ones where you wake up and feel as though they really happened, however, you are 100% sure it was a dream.  It is just they have so much emotion behind them that even though you know it was a dream you are just so ANGRY?  Yeah that was me last night.  I woke up at 2:30 ready to take the baby, the dog and two days worth of clothes for us all and leave BJ to sleep at a hotel.  Yes that is how angry I was at BJ, I was going to take the Satin Dog with me.  Right, that would be a great idea, I see Rescue barfing in the car then eating the hotel room.  On second thought I think I should leave the dog with BJ.  But the rest of the night I spent revising the dream in the rest of my dreams, and all day I have been slightly annoyed at BJ.  Let's hope tonight will be better.

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