Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter!!

Saturday morning, I got my butt out of bed early for a Saturday and drove BJ's, Elijah's and my butt to my fathers house, dropped off my child, picked up my sister and headed to the movie theater at 9:00 am.  I have to admit, never been to the theater that early in the day before.  We watched the HP7 aka Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.  Wahoo!!  However, because I have had a child the last time I have read the books was 3 years so I was a bit out of it.  Unfortunately,  because the books are so darn large they end up cutting out HUGE amounts of the book which makes me sad.  Now I am on a mission to read and watch all the movies before the end of the series comes out, SOME TIME NEXT YEAR.  That is dumb.    Why do I have to wait that long??? BOO. 

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