Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Make it stop

Being a Speech Pathologist I listen to what my child says and how he says it.  Do I think it's funny that Elijah says Farfing mand for marching band?  Yes.  Do I think It's cute when we tell him to get his drill and he heads to the grill to grab the corn because he things they are the same thing?  Absolutely.  Do I worry that he has minimal p's and b's in his speech?  Yup.  However, over the past 2 days I have heard some things I am not to happy with.  What is it do you say?  Mom and Dad.  Not mommy, daddy, but mom, dad.  In the several times I heard it, it took all of my power to not correct him to say, "no I'm mommy not mom."  And at that moment a small part of me shed a small tear knowing that my baby is almost a big kid.  But that's okay, I want my boy to grow up, I want to miss these things.  Then when I decide to have another child these will be the things I look forward too and love while they last.  But I have a feeling mommy and daddy will be moving out soon and mom and dad will be moving in.  ***sigh***

1 comment:

Daddy said...

I will still call you Mommy!