Monday, February 13, 2012

Life Change

Alright there is a bit of a reason why I have fallen silent for awhile.  One of which was due to that old saying think before you speak, and don't put ANYTHING on the Internet that you might regret later. 

The back story... In October, right after BJ's surgery I was requested to change my hours to increase my productivity.  After doing so, my productivity did not increase as much as I wanted to.  Then in the middle of January I was asked, wait told, I was being moved to pay per visit, changing my hours significantly but also changing my income and my benefits. 

Therefore, the reason why I have not been posting is due to me trying to find a second, maybe even a third.  But it wasn't even that easy, I had to get all my paper work together because I let my birth to three license practically expire.  I also have been getting ready to test for my Illinois education license that would allow me to work in the schools.

It is hard for me to adjust to my new schedule and find myself sitting around before work.  As I get better I am able to get more done or at least feel more productive.  But as soon as I start with my second job it will be a bit different and I will have to readjust again. 

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