Saturday, March 04, 2006

Its Been a while

Yeah, I know, I have been a bad person and not writing. SO SORRY.

Now its time for excuses. Okay well I have been studying my butt off to take this test that I had today. The easiest way to explain this test is its like the Speech Language Pathologists version of Boards. Plus I have been busy with my "job."

Catch up time: Last weekend BJ and I had premarital counseling. It was fun but really long. And I'm not real sure if they did this on purpose, but we were sitting on the most uncomfortable chairs in the whole church. Now most people didn't attend our church so they wouldn't know better that we had better chairs but we knew better. 8 hours on these things! Poor BJ, He was in pain, around 1 or 2 my lower half fell asleep so I forgot how much pain I was in. Over all, the event was a good we learned some new stuff and we still have to meet with our marriage mentors to review our scores that we received.

This weekend I came up to Wisconsin to take my test. I decided to come up here because I could then see some of the girls I haven't seen in a few months. Last night Tania and I studied for a bit then I came to the hotel and tried to get some sleep. Tried was the key word to that sentence. I did not sleep well at all, I was to hot, to cold, spazing that I missed the test, so on and so on. Finally, when it was time to get up I felt horrible. I kept trying to tell myself that it was just nerves but I am now convinced that I had some type of intestinal thing because I still feel like something has tied my intestines up into a huge knot. Now I want to go into the hot tub but middle aged people are down there and I don't want to go and sit with a bunch of strangers. Not may cup of tea. Oh well. Tomorrow I will head home back to the same old same old.


Ryan and Katie said...

8 Hours all at once of counseling!! Does that mean youa re all done or do you go back for more. That's a lot at one time

BJ said...

We are done except for meeting with a couple that has been married for a while. We took tests to see our compatiblity towards family and stuff which we have to go over as a final exam of whether we should get married or not. I think we should.